All of my content on here is now 20 years old+.
I don't do these anymore though, and instead I post things on YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok under "person reviews life" Enjoy! or I'm sorry?

Miranda LaVelle @EhFilms



I did some college

New York

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EhFilms's News

Posted by EhFilms - January 10th, 2024

Please be aware these movies and games are all over 20 years old. I am more active on YouTube these days.

I appreciate the feedback I get about what I've done on here, you do you, but clearly I won't be changing these animations at this point.

If you're still wanting to give pointers, suggestions, and wishes for my content on here, please just remember that they will have to stay pointers, suggestions, and wishes. Maybe someone else will learn from them instead. Hope you can understand.

(I only made this post rated T because much of the content I'm talking about are the paper-dolls which have slight nudity)


Posted by EhFilms - December 31st, 2023

I don't make resolutions. I just hope things get better than they are.

To those who made this year a little better, and to those who might make next year even better. Thank you.

I hope your new year is better :)


Posted by EhFilms - November 6th, 2022

Soooooo, how have you been?

Um... I'm getting separated. I've been married for 17 years and together with him for 22. It's been dramatic but I've kept much of it offline. Besides the obvious emo tone in my-me. Me.

We're co-parenting and living as before but in different rooms of the house.

WE haven't had a dramatic falling out or anything, it's just been a tough few years getting to this point.

I also mustered up something or another last month and posted a video a day (at least) to my YouTube channel. Sometimes just a short, but I did it and I'm proud.

I don't have much else to say but I'm really hoping things, personally, feel better.

I've still got my son, and he's going to see happy parents. He's going to be okay. He's my focus, so if my videos are choppy.... they have to be. He's not in them and he's my life.

subscribe if you like random content :)



Posted by EhFilms - June 28th, 2022

I know HATE is a strong word, but HATE is a strong emotion. I have this frustration and hate inside right now for all the things happening, but I'm trying to keep turning it into everything else.

I'm keeping myself busy, making sure my son can be a kid, and trying not to complain too much online where it doesn't do anything... no, I don't mean that completely; it helps us all out to vent to each other sometimes, but I mean REAL changes.

I'm trying to be that kind of positive that keeps us sane but that isn't toxic and annoying. That is HARD to do. My twitter feed jumps back and forth... I gotta get off there anyway...

Anyway, rant over and I hope you find your power and distractions when you need them.


Posted by EhFilms - May 8th, 2022

If you think I'm old, then you think the creator of this site is old, too.

Be nice :)

If you want to see a this middle aged person distract herself, and hopefully you,... Person Reviews Life, my Youtube channel.

(if you saw my previous post about hating my chronic pain; it's gone now I accidentally deleted it; I was only complaining anyway; don't worry your head about it, okay?)


Posted by EhFilms - January 15th, 2022

Happy Merry HanukkaChristmas New Year... heh heh ick

If anyone out there was concerned about the severe pain situation - the doctor had prescribed a steroid pack that helped so much. He said it was likely a pinched nerve , but because an MRI was denied 2x (yup) I don't really know.

I got a cool cane/seat from Kevin that will help if it ever acts up again.

The end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022 have been so quick and tiring in this house.

We got sick for Christmas. With the virus that shares a David Cage game name.

I've still been posting videos on YouTube and TikTok. Gotta get the sillies and distractificationism out somehow.

I'm old and weird. I've always been weird, but now I'm 42. If you're sill okay with that, maybe you'd like my boring and strange brand of distraction

Person Reviews Life, the YouTube channel.


Posted by EhFilms - November 24th, 2021

I'm writing this to say hi to anyone who's feeling... all the things we're all feeling.

I'm also currently in severe pain but I'll be seeing the doctor to {hopefully} find out what's going on.

so there's that.

keep your head up. it's all we can do.


Posted by EhFilms - December 25th, 2020


First, I think my last post sounded like an angry person. I'm sorry it was so snappy.

Next: Thank you again for the messages and comments I've seen since 2015 (I really should have checked more frequently).

Been through a lot of life, and I stopped making games pretty much when I stopped posting on Newgrounds. It's just not for me, even thought I have a lot of ideas sometimes.

I do have a channel under Person Reviews Life (variations of ehfilms were too all over the place) where I just do whatever. It's very random and not at all exciting. Also I sing way too much. I just like music a lot, that's all.

I REALLY appreciate the messages; please, I hope you all have some semblance of a happy holiday.

Hope the new year brings your brain some refreshment, even if this dumpster fire has to continue for a bit more.

Hold on and things will shift towards better soon.


Posted by EhFilms - September 11th, 2015

I haven't posted any movies/games in ALMOST 10 YEARS, but I still get new comments/reviews/messages that don't take that into consideration. And I'm sorry for not getting back to some people. I just don't come on here as much.

Yes, my games/movies are OLD.

No, I don't make flash anymore.

Thank you for the support in the past, but try to look at submission dates when you write anything. They're kind of out of touch at this point (Found Lost was made in 2003, guys...).

I'm now on YouTube/Twitter as RandomAdnarim. It's new, but I'm trying.

Thanks again!


Posted by EhFilms - April 9th, 2012

PAX East was a lot of fun this year. This was my second time going. I love video games (watching them being played more than playing them myself; my husband does not complain that I WANT him to play) I'm a big fan of the panels, cause I love that background commentary on games and the details that you don't always think about in them.

I got to meet Tom Fulp, which was pretty exciting!

Of all the people posting on Newgrounds, especially the ones who currently still post, I did not expect him to remember Eh? Films. He was still very cool about it :)

I would love to return for PAX East next year, but we'll have to see what happens.